The works illustrated in this section are not ours and have no relation to Sculpture Solutions. They were made by other craftsmen and exhibited for clarity and understanding. However, we can perform these types of services.

Creation and Imitation of Archaeological Findings
Use of contemporary methods for texturing of antiquities and creation of special conditions for the existence of artifacts, columns, pyramids, excavations of settlements and palaces, objects of everyday life, and antiquity regardless of time and space.

Copies and Reproductions of Ancient Sculptures and Paintings
Use of special art techniques, effects, and materials to create copies and reproductions of lost and destroyed works of art from different eras with a maximum degree of proximity to the original.

Restoration and Conservation of Art Objects
Re-creation of the integrity, restoration of the original look, and historical importance of sculptures and paintings using the necessary documentary knowledge, methods of artistic analysis, and perception of forms, as well as their preventive conservation.

Movie Sets
Creation of realistic scenery for feature motion pictures and documentaries using methods of analysis, evaluation, research, and critical thinking. Carrying out artistic consultations and specialized training.

Sculptures for Artists
Production of sculptures of various complexity and themes, creation of prototypes of works, development of draft designs, working, and final models, generation of original ideas – from visual concept to implementation.

Coats of Arms/Heraldry
Use of basic principles of heraldry for creation of state, corporate, and family pictorial emblems and coats of arms, which are a symbolic identifier of individuality, prestige, and authority.
Being the most enduring and greatest form of fine art known to mankind, sculpture has always played an important role in evolution of the world cultures.
This is the key indicator of the cultural achievements of Classical Antiquity, which influenced the development of the Renaissance. Along with architecture, sculpture has been the main form of monumental art and the driving force of all civilizations for millennia. And today, despite constant development, sculpture is still the leading method of expression and commemoration of historical events.
And, like any kind of art, sculpture requires special attention:
On-Site Teams
Creation of works of art in different countries of the world, expert evaluation on the site, consulting.
Work in Extreme Conditions
Restoration of valuable cultural artifacts and relics after armed hostilities or destructive forces of nature.
Performing some artwork marked as “Top Secret”, guaranteed absence of publicity.
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